Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer
Download Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.
Wir bieten Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer 9.0.3 APK Datei für Android 4.4+ und auf.
Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer is a free Communication app.
Es lässt sich ganz einfach herunterladen und auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon installieren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer 9.0.3 APK ohne Änderungen.
Die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 4.50 von 5 Sterne im Playstore.
If you want to know more about Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer then you may visit SimplerApps support center for more information
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Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer is the property and trademark from the developer SimplerApps.
Your address book is a mess?
Simpler Contacts will fix it in few seconds!
With Simpler you can easily merge all your duplicate contacts and quickly find the contacts your need
Simpler Contacts is your new contacts app that makes your address book light, smart and user friendly.
* Over 2,000,000 people love Simpler Contacts in all platforms 🙂
○ Simply merge all duplicate contacts!
○ Never lose your contacts again with Simpler Backup!
○ T9 Dialer – quickly search by name & numbers
○ Quickly call to your frequently used contacts
○ Clean & intuitive design – Android Lollipop L Style
○ Merge all duplicate contacts with one tap!
○ Find & merge contacts with similar names.
○ Find & Merge contacts with duplicate phone or email.
○ Remove contacts without name
○ Remove contacts without phone & E-Mail
○ Delete unused contacts
○ One tap to backup your contacts!
○ Offline Backup. No need to sync to any server. Just email yourself the backup file.
○ Simple Restore – just tap on the .vcf file in any Android or iPhone mail client.
○ Save a copy of the backup file in your Computer.
○ Backup Contacts as VCF (VCard).
○ Quickly export your backups to Dropbox, Google Drive, E-Mail
○ Beautiful dialer to call and add new contacts
○ T9 Dialer – quickly search by name & numbers
○ One tap to call your favorite contacts
○ Quickly call to your frequently used contacts
○ Quickly find the contacts you need
○ Filter contacts by Company & Job title
○ Filter contacts by upcoming birthday & creation date
English, Español, Français, Italiano, Deutsch, Português (Br.), 中文 (Simplified), 中文 (Traditional), 日本語, 한국어, Nederlands, Русский, Türkçe, العربية, עברית
○ We would love to hear your feedback
○ Let us know what do you think about Simpler Contacts:
Version: 9.0.3
Dateigröße: 12.28MB
Erfordert: Android 4.4+
Paketname: com.simpler.contacts
Entwickler: SimplerApps
Aktualisiert: Juli 09, 2019
Preis: Frei
Rate 4.50 Sterne – basierend auf 85759 Bewertungen
How to Play Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer App on PC,Windows
1.Laden Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator herunter und installieren Sie ihn. Klicken Sie "Laden Sie Mumu Player herunter" zum Herunterladen.
2.Führen Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator aus und melden Sie sich im Google Play Store an.
3.Open Google Play Store and search the Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer and download,
Oder importieren Sie die APK-Datei von Ihrem PC in Mumu Player, um sie zu installieren.4.Install Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer App for PC.Now you can play Simpler Caller ID – Contacts and Dialer App on PC.Have fun!