ZenUI Dialer & Contacts
Download ZenUI Dialer & Contacts for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.
Proporcionamos ZenUI Dialer & Contacts APK archivo para Android 5.0+ y arriba.
ZenUI Dialer & Contacts is a free Productivity app.
Es fácil de descargar e instalar en su teléfono móvil..
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for ZenUI Dialer & Contacts APK without any modifications.
La calificación promedio es 4.50 fuera de 5 estrellas en playstore.
If you want to know more about ZenUI Dialer & Contacts then you may visit ZenUI, ASUS Computer Inc. centro de soporte para más información
Todas las aplicaciones & Los juegos aquí son solo para uso doméstico o personal.. Si alguna descarga de apk infringe sus derechos de autor,
por favor contáctenos. ZenUI Dialer & Contacts is the property and trademark from the developer ZenUI, ASUS Computer Inc..
ZenUI Dialer & Contacts is an essential phone book application with the best usability and connectivity.
ZenUI Dialer & Contacts lists all contacts you\’ve stored on mobile device and from online accounts you’re logged in to. It’s easy to manage your caller data by ZenUI Dialer & Contacts. You can prioritize your callers with different contact groups, like Favorites and VIP, super easy to make a call.
To avoid annoying calls, ZenUI Dialer & Contacts provides smart ways to block unwanted calls. You may block all unknown calls or only private calls, you may also set a block list to filter telemarketing callers as well.
Your favorite social network services (Gorjeo, LinkedIn, Sina Weibo & más) can be integrated perfectly to your contacts. It’s easy to follow your contacts\’ recent updates in ZenUI Dialer & Contacts. A brand new all-in-one experience!
ZenUI Dialer & Contacts helps in linking duplicate contacts from multiple accounts. In contact profile, select link to combine the contact data with the others to reduce redundancy, make your contact list simple and clean.
ZenUI Dialer & Contacts provides bunch of ways to personalize your contacts. You may change the background of the dial pad, or the background of the call log, as your family photo. Even you can customize the action command of swiping left or right. It brings a different look and brand new feeling as you prefer to.
Tamaño del archivo: 13.91MEGABYTE
Requiere: Androide 5.0+
Nombre del paquete: com.asus.contacts
Revelador: Zen UI, ASUS Computer Inc.
Actualizado: Marzo 22, 2018
Precio: Gratis
Tasa 4.50 estrellas – basado en 454104 opiniones
How to Play ZenUI Dialer & Contacts App on PC,ventanas
1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android Mumu Player. Haga clic "Descargar Mumu Player" para descargar.
2.Ejecute Mumu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.
3.Open Google Play Store and search the ZenUI Dialer & Contacts and download,
O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.4.Install ZenUI Dialer & Contacts App for PC.Now you can play ZenUI Dialer & Contacts App on PC.Have fun!