Download Tapet for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.
Proporcionamos Tapet 6.21 APK archivo para Android 4.1+ y arriba.
Tapet is a free Personalization app.
Es fácil de descargar e instalar en su teléfono móvil..
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Tapet 6.21 APK sin modificaciones.
La calificación promedio es 4.50 fuera de 5 estrellas en playstore.
If you want to know more about Tapet then you may visit SharpRegion support center for more information
Todas las aplicaciones & Los juegos aquí son solo para uso doméstico o personal.. Si alguna descarga de apk infringe sus derechos de autor,
por favor contáctenos. Tapet is the property and trademark from the developer SharpRegion.
Tapet (An old word for \”Wallpaper\”) is a first of its kind app that automatically generates high-quality wallpapers, even Android-Lollipop Material-Style ones.
You can either select a random wallpaper or let the app generate one for you hourly or daily.
New Features:
* widgets!
* Patterns Manager
* Color Picker
* History of applied, liked and more
* Muzei support
* Wallpapers are created according to your device\’s screen resolution – making them the highest possible quality.
* No images are being downloaded from the internet. Everything is rapidly generated in your device.
* Images fit your screen perfectly and even create a beautiful parallax effect, making the wallpaper even more pleasant.
* New exciting themes added in every version!
* It is not a Live-Wallpaper app. You shouldn\’t worry about CPU or memory consumption. It is super efficient. Guaranteed!
* You can set the app to surprise you with a new wallpaper hourly or daily. You will most likely never see the same wallpaper twice.
Versión: 6.21
Tamaño del archivo: 10.92MEGABYTE
Requiere: Androide 4.1+
Nombre del paquete: com.sharpregion.tapet
Revelador: SharpRegion
Actualizado: Puede 02, 2019
Precio: Gratis
Tasa 4.50 estrellas – basado en 70068 opiniones
How to Play Tapet App on PC,ventanas
1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android Mumu Player. Haga clic "Descargar Mumu Player" para descargar.
2.Ejecute Mumu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.
3.Open Google Play Store and search the Tapet and download,
O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.4.Install Tapet App for PC.Now you can play Tapet App on PC.Have fun!