Recording Studio Lite

Música y audio

Download Recording Studio Lite for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Proporcionamos Recording Studio Lite 2.0.0 APK + OBB archivo para Android 2.3.3+ y arriba.
Recording Studio Lite is a free Music & aplicación de audio.
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La calificación promedio es 3.78 fuera de 5 estrellas en playstore.
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por favor contáctenos. Recording Studio Lite is the property and trademark from the developer Glauco.

Recording Studio is a multitouch sequencer for Android devices.
Designed for quick and simple operation, Recording Studio makes recording, editing and mixing a breeze.
Recording Studio is the perfect way to create great sounding music productions.
With this free version you can record up to 2 tracks (24 tracks with the Pro version) by choosing between audio recordings or by using the virtual instrument \’Grand Piano\’ (in the Pro vesion there are 8 other virtual instruments: drums, classical guitar, rock organ, pipe organ, bass, strings, harpsichord, electric guitar).
The virtual instrument tracks can be recorded using the multitouch keyboards optimized for high performance and responsive touch.
The audio tracks can be recorded using the built-in microphone or by connecting an external microphone.
After recording your tracks, you may want to edit them in the integrated sample editor (copy/paste, split, loop, fader, reverb).
Now you can import mp3 and wav audio files from your hard drive.

Recording studio is constantly being updated and continually improved with new features.


•Up to 2 tracks (24 tracks with the Pro version) choosing between audio recordings or the virtual instrument \’Grand Piano\
•In this free version you can use without limitation the sounds of virtual instrument \’Grand Piano\’ (in the Pro vesion there are 8 other virtual instruments: drums, classical guitar, rock organ, pipe organ, electric guitar
•Mixer with built-in realistic reverb effect (with independent settings on each track)
•Key Editor (delete, copy/paste each single note)
•Sample editor: copy/paste, split, loop, fade-in/fade-out each audio recording session
•Stereo VU displays for all channels
•96 keys and 8 selectable octaves
•Multi-touch keyboards and virtual instruments.
•Two sets of keyboards (display 1 o 2 keyboards)
•Keyboard mappings (two ways of displaying key value)
•Ability to scroll the keyboards in the scrollbar area or with arrow buttons to see different sets of keys
•Custom scale keyboards
•Configurable metronome. Tempo: 30 – 260 BPM. Time Signatures: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4
•Import mp3 and wav audio files from hard drive.

Versión: 2.0.0

Tamaño del archivo: 122.74MEGABYTE

Requiere: Androide 2.3.3+

Nombre del paquete:

Revelador: Glauco

Actualizado: Septiembre 02, 2017

Precio: Gratis

Tasa 3.78 estrellas – basado en 12828 opiniones

Just Download Latest Version Recording Studio Lite Apk For PC,Computadora portátil,Windows 7,8,10, XP ahora! To Download Recording Studio Lite App For PC,los usuarios necesitan instalar un emulador de Android como el reproductor Mumu. Con el jugador Mumu,you can Download Recording Studio Lite App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 y computadora portátil.

How to Play Recording Studio Lite App on PC,ventanas

1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android Mumu Player. Haga clic "Descargar Mumu Player" para descargar.

2.Ejecute Mumu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the Recording Studio Lite and download,

O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.

4.Install Recording Studio Lite App for PC.Now you can play Recording Studio Lite App on PC.Have fun!