Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training


Download Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

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Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training is a free Education app.
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Looking to further improve your ear-training capabilities and take them to the next level?

Bienvenido a Perfect Ear 2, the ultimate tool to help you do just that and so much more.

Built upon the legacy of Perfect Ear Pro, this app provides you with a high quality, unique ear-training capability.

You are free to create your own scales and chords simply by customizing the existing exercises, and at the same time you are free to improve on your rhythm training, all in a simple and exciting manner.

You get multiple exercise types that you can choose from, a wide range of articles that will help you perfect ear-training capabilities as well as a scale dictionary that will bring in front multiple opportunities you can explore.
If you want to perfect your ear-training while also being able to improve on it the right way, then Perfect Ear 2 is the perfect tool to do it.
Refined, professional and filled with all the content you need, this is the best choice for any musician that wants to customize his learning experience, chords and scales by any means necessary.

All exercises can be performed with a piano or guitar, so what are you waiting for, download Perfect Ear 2 right now and you will be amazed by its capabilities!

• Perform interval, scale, chord and rhythm exercises
• Melodic dictation
• Access a fully-fledged scale dictionary
• Read theory articles that will help you with your studies
• Customize your chords, scales and exercises

Versión: 3.8.19

Tamaño del archivo: 5.80MEGABYTE

Requiere: Androide 4.4+

Nombre del paquete: com.evilduck.musiciankit

Revelador: EDuckAppsSV

Actualizado: Julio 18, 2019

Precio: Gratis

Tasa 4.80 estrellas – basado en 58768 opiniones

Just Download Latest Version Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training Apk For PC,Computadora portátil,Windows 7,8,10, XP ahora! To Download Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training App For PC,los usuarios necesitan instalar un emulador de Android como el reproductor Mumu. Con el jugador Mumu,you can Download Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 y computadora portátil.

How to Play Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training App on PC,ventanas

1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android Mumu Player. Haga clic "Descargar Mumu Player" para descargar.

2.Ejecute Mumu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training and download,

O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.

4.Install Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training App for PC.Now you can play Perfect EarMusic Theory, Ear & Rhythm Training App on PC.Have fun!