LockUp ApplockPays you back


Download LockUp ApplockPays you back for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Proporcionamos LockUp ApplockPays you back 2.4.9 APK archivo para Android 4.1+ y arriba.
LockUp ApplockPays you back is a free Personalization app.
Es fácil de descargar e instalar en su teléfono móvil..
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for LockUp ApplockPays you back 2.4.9 APK sin modificaciones.

La calificación promedio es 3.84 fuera de 5 estrellas en playstore.
If you want to know more about LockUp ApplockPays you back then you may visit SmartFox IT Solutions support center for more information

Todas las aplicaciones & Los juegos aquí son solo para uso doméstico o personal.. Si alguna descarga de apk infringe sus derechos de autor,
por favor contáctenos. LockUp ApplockPays you back is the property and trademark from the developer SmartFox IT Solutions.

LockUp is a Applock & Vault which lets you make free money by just locking and unlocking any app, YES lockup is the worlds first Applock which pay\’s back for just being an active user.

Are you using any Applock which shows you ads but doesn\’t gives anything back? Don\’t worry we have made a Applock & Vault for you which will let you earn free money if you are a active user.

# What i have to do for getting paid by LockUp\’s Applock?

Don\’t worry we will not ask you to do any specific task for getting paid, It is just simple as using any Applock, you just have to lock any installed app of your Device and use your phone as you normally do. Lock More apps to get more daily loyalty bonus. Once you reach a minimum threshold you can Redeem it through PayPal or PayTm . It is not like other Rewarding Apps which ask you to install any random app and earn money. We are giving you a complete effortless Free Rewards as Loyalty Bonus.

LockUp is simple, highly secured and fastest AppLock, which not only Safeguards your privacy by locking Apps but also hides media files like Audio, Video & Images in LockUp Vault. Enjoy Unique colored lock screen for every app you lock with a security of PIN, Pattern or Fingerprint lock Security. App Locking apps in android runs in background blocks more RAM and consume more battery, but LockUp is the only AppLock which consumes lowest battery as compared to other Applocks & also requires low RAM for smooth functioning.

+ Why you must use LockUpAppLock & Vault?

First App which will give free money
Light Weighted App (3.0 MEGABYTE).
Low battery Drain.
Works fast and Lock Apps Quickly.
Supports Android 6.0 Malvavisco.
Supports fingerprint with Android 6.0 .
It’s a Smart AppLock Which have multiple unlocking types like Pattern, Pin and fingerprint lock Security.
Enjoy Different colored lock screen for any App you lock.
Hide any Private Audio file like Call Records, WhatsApp audio etc in Audio Vault.
App Locker can Lock any App notification & protect your privacy from snoopy eyes.
Hide Video, Image & Audio by moving it through any app or directly from LockUp Vault.
By enabling Prevent lockUp uninstall, No one can uninstall it without your permission.
For more security it hides itself from recent task manager.

+ What LockUp Can do?

Applock can protect any Android App which is installed in your device.
App Lock can lock any installed app notification, so that no can watch your private chats
It can Prevent Uninstall of any app which makes it more secure and powerful App.
Protects your Phone settings.
Locks Playstore, Settings, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, PayPal, Paytm, WeChat, Tinder, Messages Flipkart, Amazon, banking apps, Gallery or any installed App.
If you have any private media file you can hide it in Vault & can directly access it in LockUp Vault.
It can Lock your private call records, Videos or any images which you can access and play directly inside LockUp Vault Media Player.

+ Customize the setting of LockUp

Activate OR Deactivate Applock anytime.
Enable OR Disable vibration on Drawing Patterns/Pin input of lock screen.
You can change your PIN/PATTERN Easily.
Hide Touch effect for Pin lockscreen.
Hide Line drawing for pattern lockscreen.
Setting for screen ON & OFF.

Preguntas frecuentes

# I forgot my Pin/Pattern, how to retrieve it?
Go to LockUp, and you will find a forgot pin/patterns option at top right corner of screen, Request for a recovery code and copy the same from a received mail, paste it and you will be redirected to a new screen for setting up a new PIN/Pattern.

# How to uninstall LockUp?
Please check that \Prevent LockUp Uninstall\is enabled or not, If yes then disable is first to uninstall the App.

# How to lock any App notifications?
For Locking App Notification you first have to lock the particular App then find the same app under \Hide Notification\Screen, and enable it.

Contact LockUp Team :
Correo electrónico: [correo electrónico protegido]
[correo electrónico protegido]

Versión: 2.4.9

Tamaño del archivo: 4.76MEGABYTE

Requiere: Androide 4.1+

Nombre del paquete: com.smartfoxitsolutions.lockup

Revelador: SmartFox IT Solutions

Actualizado: Julio 10, 2017

Precio: Gratis

Tasa 3.84 estrellas – basado en 311 opiniones

Just Download Latest Version LockUp ApplockPays you back Apk For PC,Computadora portátil,Windows 7,8,10, XP ahora! To Download LockUp ApplockPays you back App For PC,los usuarios necesitan instalar un emulador de Android como el reproductor Mumu. Con el jugador Mumu,you can Download LockUp ApplockPays you back App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 y computadora portátil.

How to Play LockUp ApplockPays you back App on PC,ventanas

1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android Mumu Player. Haga clic "Descargar Mumu Player" para descargar.

2.Ejecute Mumu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the LockUp ApplockPays you back and download,

O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.

4.Install LockUp ApplockPays you back App for PC.Now you can play LockUp ApplockPays you back App on PC.Have fun!