Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues)
Download Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) para PC/portátil/Windows 7,8,10.
Proporcionamos Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) 3.1.2 APK archivo para Android 4.0+ y arriba.
Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) es una aplicación de deportes gratuita.
Es fácil de descargar e instalar en su teléfono móvil..
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) 3.1.2 APK sin modificaciones.
La calificación promedio es 4.11 fuera de 5 estrellas en playstore.
If you want to know more about Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) then you may visit Dream11 Fantasy Pvt. Ltd support center for more information
Todas las aplicaciones & Los juegos aquí son solo para uso doméstico o personal.. Si alguna descarga de apk infringe sus derechos de autor,
por favor contáctenos. Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) is the property and trademark from the developer Dream11 Fantasy Pvt. Limitado.
Dream11 is World’s #1 Fantasy Cricket Game with over 1.5 MILLION users.
\”MAKE EVERY GAME EXCITING” – Fans can now create fantasy cricket teams to compete in Fantasy leagues for EVERY CRICKET MATCH.
Fantasy points & your ranks get updated realtime during live matches!
How to play?
Step1: Select an upcoming match from list of Fantasy Cricket tours
Step 2: Create your team (!IMPORTANTE: You have to do this before the real match starts!). You can edit/update team only upto 1 hour prior to match start!
Step 3: Join public leagues(challenges) or create your own private league to play with friends!
Step 4: Track your team performance during LIVE matches and take home the winnings!
You can also edit your profile, read more about our fantasy points system, refer friends and get bonus!
Our Fantasy point system rewards bonus points for boundaries, sixes, 4-5 wicket hauls, good economy/strike rate, etc along with negative points for getting duck out or bad economy/strike rates.
If you are facing any issues with any part of game or need guidance drop us an email ([correo electrónico protegido]) with your number, we will get back to you at your convenient time!
Versión: 3.1.2
Tamaño del archivo: 8.86MEGABYTE
Requiere: Androide 4.0+
Nombre del paquete: com.app.dream11
Revelador: Dream11 Fantasy Pvt. Limitado
Actualizado: Marzo 06, 2017
Precio: Gratis
Tasa 4.11 estrellas – basado en 66 opiniones
How to Play Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) Aplicación en PC,ventanas
1.Descargue e instale el emulador de Android Mumu Player. Haga clic "Descargar Mumu Player" para descargar.
2.Ejecute Mumu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store.
3.Open Google Play Store and search the Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) y descargar,
O importe el archivo apk desde su PC a Mumu Player para instalarlo.4.Install Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) App for PC.Now you can play Dream11 Sports (Free Leagues) Aplicación para PC. Diviértete!