DeliciousNew Beginning


Download DeliciousNew Beginning for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Wir bieten DeliciousNew Beginning 30.144 APK + OBB Datei für Android 4.0.3+ und auf.
DeliciousNew Beginning is a free Casual game.
Es lässt sich ganz einfach herunterladen und auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon installieren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for DeliciousNew Beginning 30.144 APK + OBB ohne jegliche Modifikationen.

Die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 4.12 von 5 Sterne im Playstore.
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Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. DeliciousNew Beginning is the property and trademark from the developer GameHouse.

Play DeliciousEmily\’s New Beginning and welcome a lovely new family member to the heart-warming time management series! There\’ll be lots of loving moments to cherish, but reopening Emily\’s Place will prove quite a challenge.

Can you help Emily combine her work in the restaurant with being a good mother?

Note this is a trial version with a paid in-game unlock.

Game features
The game is available in English, Niederländisch, Portugiesisch, German, Swedish, Italienisch, Spanish and French
Help Emily overcome daily challenges in this heartwarming cooking game
Enjoy full family bliss with 60 levels in 6 different locations
Fulfill all 20 achievements and add 18 memorable moments to the baby\’s book
Discover 4 fun-filled levels in the first restaurant for free

What to expect?
DeliciousEmily\’s New Beginning is a time management game filled with love. Not only will you discover a restaurant game full of food serving challenges, but you\’ll also experience a once in a lifetime story!

There\’s something to love for everybody. Improve your serving skills as you wait on hungry customers, catch up with all the lovely characters, become a food game expert and capture lots of memorable moments.

Enjoy a delicious taste of cooking game fun!

This game is brought to you by GameHouse. GameHouse offers a wide variety of great casual games for both desktop and mobile devices. It\’s good to game!
To play our great games in Dutch, Portugiesisch, German, Swedish, Italienisch, Spanish and French, visit our website

More Delicious apps:
DeliciousEmily\’s Honeymoon Cruise
DeliciousEmily\’s Wonder Wedding
DeliciousEmily\’s True Love
DeliciousEmily\’s Taste of Fame

Version: 30.144

Dateigröße: 260.12MB

Erfordert: Android 4.0.3+

Paketname: com.gamehouse.d10gp

Entwickler: GameHouse

Aktualisiert: November 22, 2017

Preis: Frei

Rate 4.12 Sterne – basierend auf 37639 Bewertungen

Just Download Latest Version DeliciousNew Beginning Apk For PC,Laptop,Jetzt Windows 7,8,10,Xp! To Download DeliciousNew Beginning App For PC,Benutzer müssen einen Android-Emulator wie den Mumu-Player installieren. Mit Mumu-Player,you can Download DeliciousNew Beginning App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 und Laptop.

How to Play DeliciousNew Beginning App on PC,Windows

1.Laden Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator herunter und installieren Sie ihn. Klicken Sie "Laden Sie Mumu Player herunter" zum Herunterladen.

2.Führen Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator aus und melden Sie sich im Google Play Store an.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the DeliciousNew Beginning and download,

Oder importieren Sie die APK-Datei von Ihrem PC in Mumu Player, um sie zu installieren.

4.Install DeliciousNew Beginning App for PC.Now you can play DeliciousNew Beginning App on PC.Have fun!
