AT&T Smart Wi-Fi


Download AT&T Smart Wi-Fi for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Wir bieten AT&T Smart Wi-Fi 3.3 APK Datei für Android 4.1+ und auf.
AT&T Smart Wi-Fi is a free Tools app.
Es lässt sich ganz einfach herunterladen und auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon installieren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for AT&T Smart Wi-Fi 3.3 APK ohne Änderungen.

Die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 3.90 von 5 Sterne im Playstore.
If you want to know more about AT&T Smart Wi-Fi then you may visit AT&T Services, Inc. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie im Support-Center

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Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. AT&T Smart Wi-Fi is the property and trademark from the developer AT&T Services, Inc..

AT&T Smart Wi-Fi connection manager is a free app that finds and auto-connects to available hotspots, maximizes battery life by only turning Wi-Fi on & off when needed, logs missed hotspot opportunities for your review and action for subsequent use, and displays your real-time cellular and Wi-Fi data usage.

Let this app help to increase your Wi-Fi connections while minimizing your cellular data consumption. AT&T Smart Wi-Fi helps you find, auto-connect and remember available hotspots in places you frequent. This free app also maximizes your battery life and displays your Wi-Fi and cellular data usage in real-time so you can keep tabs on your data plan usage. Running quietly in the background, AT&T Smart Wi-Fi uses hotspot auto-detection to make it easy for you to discover, select and build a list of available hotspots. It also helps maximize battery life by staying in sleep mode until it recognizes you’re near a previously-detected hotspot. Darüber hinaus, AT&T Smart Wi-Fi creates a hotspot opportunity list by logging and mapping hotspots you’ve seenbut not connected to previously. By doing this, you can readily access relevant hotspots the next time you’re in that area and want to connect.

AT&T Smart Wi-Fi is available on select AT&T Android phones, 2.2 oder höher.

• Ability to Connect to Encrypted Hotspots
• Opt Out Screen
• Social Sharing Buttons
• Auto Click-Though ability for hotspots
• Ability to disable auto-connect to guest hotspots
• Scan immediately upon disconnecting from Wifi”

Version: 3.3

Dateigröße: 6.45MB

Erfordert: Android 4.1+


Entwickler: AT&T Services, Inc.

Aktualisiert: September 27, 2018

Preis: Frei

Rate 3.90 Sterne – basierend auf 21935 Bewertungen

Just Download Latest Version AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Apk For PC,Laptop,Jetzt Windows 7,8,10,Xp! To Download AT&T Smart Wi-Fi App For PC,Benutzer müssen einen Android-Emulator wie den Mumu-Player installieren. Mit Mumu-Player,you can Download AT&T Smart Wi-Fi App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 und Laptop.

How to Play AT&T Smart Wi-Fi App on PC,Windows

1.Laden Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator herunter und installieren Sie ihn. Klicken Sie "Laden Sie Mumu Player herunter" zum Herunterladen.

2.Führen Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator aus und melden Sie sich im Google Play Store an.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the AT&T Smart Wi-Fi and download,

Oder importieren Sie die APK-Datei von Ihrem PC in Mumu Player, um sie zu installieren.

4.Install AT&T Smart Wi-Fi App for PC.Now you can play AT&T Smart Wi-Fi App on PC.Have fun!