AirWire (UPnP/DLNA)
VideoPlayer und Editoren
Download AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) für PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.
Wir bieten AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) 2.0.1 APK Datei für Android 3.0+ und auf.
AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) is a free Video Players & Editors-App.
Es lässt sich ganz einfach herunterladen und auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon installieren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) 2.0.1 APK ohne Änderungen.
Die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 4.20 von 5 Sterne im Playstore.
If you want to know more about AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) then you may visit Wellink Ltd support center for more information
Alle Apps & Die Spiele hier sind nur für den Heimgebrauch oder den persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt. Wenn ein APK-Download Ihr Urheberrecht verletzt,
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) is the property and trademark from the developer Wellink Ltd.
AirWire allows you to enjoy listening to music, watching favorite movies, TV series, photos on a large screen of your TV set, PC, notebook, media player, game console or other devices in any part of the world if you have a smartphone or a tablet PC.
To start using AirWire, you need no additional equipment. It is enough to have a TV set connected to the Internet or a media player and access to the Internet with the data rate not less than 4 Mbit/s.
As of today, AirWire has been tested with DLNA TVs, media players and music receivers from popular TV and HiFi brands.
If you wish to use AirWire in your application, use the integration instructions on our website
Searching for devices can take up to 1 minute
Known issues:
• If AirWire has found no devices, check if they are connected to the same network as WiFi.
• The WiFi router should have the enabled function of traffic exchange between devices in the LAN.
• Settings of your LAN, Internet connection broadband, load level of the server from which the video is transferred can influence the video quality.
• If the application does not find your media player or TV set, check if the Digital Media Renderer (DMR) option is enabled
• Some devices partially support the DLNA standard, because of which they cannot perform some commands of the application
• Some video files and images cannot be played back since the device in which you try to open them does not support such file formats.
Version: 2.0.1
Dateigröße: 7.13MB
Erfordert: Android 3.0+
Paketname: tv.airwire
Entwickler: Wellink Ltd
Aktualisiert: Juli 12, 2015
Preis: Frei
Rate 4.20 Sterne – basierend auf 6625 Bewertungen
How to Play AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) App auf dem PC,Windows
1.Laden Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator herunter und installieren Sie ihn. Klicken Sie "Laden Sie Mumu Player herunter" zum Herunterladen.
2.Führen Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator aus und melden Sie sich im Google Play Store an.
3.Open Google Play Store and search the AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) und herunterladen,
Oder importieren Sie die APK-Datei von Ihrem PC in Mumu Player, um sie zu installieren.4.Install AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) App for PC.Now you can play AirWire (UPnP/DLNA) App auf dem PC. Viel Spaß!