dark regression+ – CM12.1/13
Download dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.
Wir bieten dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 baek APK Datei für Android 5.0+ und auf.
dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 is a free Personalization app.
Es lässt sich ganz einfach herunterladen und auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon installieren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 baek APK without any modifications.
Die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 0.00 von 5 Sterne im Playstore.
If you want to know more about dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 then you may visit chummy development team support center for more information
Alle Apps & Die Spiele hier sind nur für den Heimgebrauch oder den persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt. Wenn ein APK-Download Ihr Urheberrecht verletzt,
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 is the property and trademark from the developer chummy development team.
ATTENTION: If you\’re on MM6.0 with CMTE (CM13, DU) AND you dirty flash, MAKE SURE YOU REVERT STOCK THEME BEFORE YOU UPDATE. Or you SHOULD expect at most THREE soft reboots before your phone works again! This is due to dirty flash theme recompiles that get corrupt (CM side).
This theme is a fork of Dark Material, but with stock Android Lollipop icons system wide, instead of the new custom minimal icons. To have the full experience, install Dark Material as well to have the companion app, as well as the other parts of the theme such as ringtones, notifications, boot animations, usw.
To understand why this theme doesn\’t follow Google\’s traditional \”Material Dark\” design with dark teal and/or blue grey, I will briefly explain.
This theme wasn\’t based on Google\’s Material Style, but was mainly influenced by the \”Tinted Status Bar\” mod\’s results, where it completely made the action bar into one fused item. I really liked this design, which made the system more minimal as it had two layers to look at, rather than 3 (Action Bar Primary, Action Bar Primary Dark (status bar darkened color) and the fragment layer (the interacting area)). The fact that I named this theme \”Dark Material\” over \”Material Dark\” was because I wanted to depict a dark, physical metamorphic rock – \”slate\”, and it\’s color. As the color scheme of this theme is mainly dark (black, grey and white text), I added the word \”Dark\” in front of my interpretation of \”Material\” hence the title \”Dark Material\”. Themes that follow Google\’s Material Dark, should show up as \”Material Dark\” to ensure consistency (see Google keyboard settings for reference).
The theme has been updated to the latest commits for March 8th (5.0.2) and synced up with latest 5.1 Bliss builds. If your Settings is not themed properly, you NEED to update your ROM. This theme updates a couple times a week with better improvements and features.
For direct contact with the team, please join our Google+ community! We\’re not scary!: https://plus.google.com/communities/104086528025432169285
– MAINTAINER: This theme is maintained by Nicholas, email/xda link is linked below.
– CYANOGEN OS 12 USERS: There is a bug where contacts has black text on black background. This is NOT A BUG WITH THE THEME. This is a fault in Cyngn, where they did not merge the March 3rd commits in (where they SHOULD HAVE). To remedy this, I will take account for that users on Cyanogen OS 12 has NO ROOT ACCESS, so open App Themer, then go into Contacts, take off the theme and apply System.
– SUGGESTION: Once you apply the theme. Perform a reboot! Any FC\’s, just reboot again.
– SUGGESTION: If you want to learn how to theme, check out my thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/themes/guide-getting-started-theming-cm12-t3006339
– SUGGESTION: If you are on a ROM with an icon that is not themed inside Settings, email me.
– POPULAR: SystemUI/Notification Drawer not themed? This is a CM12 problem. Follow these instructions to fix: http://youtu.be/MW1UsCyOidY thanks to Manuel and Will.
– REQUEST: Any other bugs, contact me (Nicholas) directly. Do not leave a bad rating if your bug is easily solvable.
– Must have a CM12/CM12.1 ROM with Theme Engine installed and with the latest March 8th commits.
We have over 125 app/system overlays, but if you want to know exactly what is themed, take a look at the list under \”WHAT IS THEMED?\” on this page: http://goo.gl/yAzPPT
FULL CHANGELOG: http://goo.gl/27XBtm
ROMS SUPPORTED: CM12 (100%), CM12.1 (100%)
ROMS WITH ICONS: CM, Cyanogen OS, Temasek, BlissPop, Fusion, Candy5, CyanideL, LiquidSmooth, Euphoria OS, Team OSE, AICP, Validus, Nameless and Dirty Unicorns.
Version: baek
Dateigröße: 13.15MB
Erfordert: Android 5.0+
Paketname: com.chummy.jezebel.material.dark.regression
Entwickler: chummy development team
Aktualisiert: Januar 31, 2016
Preis: Frei
Rate 0.00 Sterne – basierend auf 712 Bewertungen
How to Play dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 App on PC,Windows
1.Laden Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator herunter und installieren Sie ihn. Klicken Sie "Laden Sie Mumu Player herunter" zum Herunterladen.
2.Führen Sie den Mumu Player Android Emulator aus und melden Sie sich im Google Play Store an.
3.Open Google Play Store and search the dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 and download,
Oder importieren Sie die APK-Datei von Ihrem PC in Mumu Player, um sie zu installieren.4.Install dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 App for PC.Now you can play dark regression+ – CM12.1/13 App on PC.Have fun!