Zen BrowserFree Recharge


Download Zen BrowserFree Recharge for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Wij bieden Zen BrowserFree Recharge 0.134 APK bestand voor Android 4.1+ en omhoog.
Zen BrowserFree Recharge is a free Communication app.
Het is eenvoudig te downloaden en op uw mobiele telefoon te installeren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Zen BrowserFree Recharge 0.134 APK zonder enige aanpassingen.

De gemiddelde beoordeling is 3.42 uit 5 sterren in de playstore.
If you want to know more about Zen BrowserFree Recharge then you may visit ZenBrowser support center for more information

Alle apps & De spellen hier zijn alleen voor thuis- of persoonlijk gebruik. Als een APK-download inbreuk maakt op uw auteursrecht,
neem dan contact met ons op. Zen BrowserFree Recharge is the property and trademark from the developer ZenBrowser.

Zen is the first browser in India that gives Free Recharge! This new app is still in BETA TESTING. Please let us know if you have any problems so we can improve 🙂 [e-mail beschermd]

It is EASY & SIMPLE to get free recharge on Zen:
• Register with your phone number
• Browse normally on your favorite websites.
• Zen automatically sends free recharge to your phone!

Why choose Zen Browser?

Get free recharge: Browse your favorite websites and Zen automatically sends free recharge to your mobile phone.

Unlimited recharges: Use Zen to get unlimited recharge. The more you browse in Zen, the more free recharge you get!

Net neutral: Browse ANY website on the internet and get free recharge.

Facebook View: Zen is the best browser for Facebook. Get free recharge for using Facebook. Looks just like the app!

Small size: Zen Browser app size is small and lightweightless than 5MB.

Great Features in Zen Browser

Downloads: Download files and immediately find every file you\’ve downloaded.

Instant Search Results: Revisit previously browsed or most visited sites that instantly reappear in the search results as you type.

Favorites Shortcuts: Quickly access your favorite sites, social networks, nieuws, and shopping with one tap!

Video's: View your favorite videos with full-screen.

Bookmarks: Bookmark your favorite websites for later access and fast browsing.

AdBlock: Zen will block out most annoying ads on popular sites. It will speed up your browsing and save data.

History: Easily access all previously visited websites. Remove individual websites or clear all.

Taalondersteuning: Zen Browser supports both English and हिन्दी

Connect with us!
Feedback: [e-mail beschermd]
Website: http://zenbrowser.co/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenbrowser/

Versie: 0.134

Bestandsgrootte: 10.01MB

Vereist: Android 4.1+

Pakketnaam: co.zenbrowser

Ontwikkelaar: ZenBrowser

Bijgewerkt: Maart 07, 2017

Prijs: Vrij

Tarief 3.42 sterren – gebaseerd op 2979 beoordelingen

Just Download Latest Version Zen BrowserFree Recharge Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10,Xp nu! To Download Zen BrowserFree Recharge App For PC,gebruikers moeten een Android-emulator zoals Mumu-speler installeren. Met Mumu-speler,you can Download Zen BrowserFree Recharge App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 en laptop.

How to Play Zen BrowserFree Recharge App on PC,Ramen

1.Download en installeer Mumu Player Android-emulator. Klik "Mumu-speler downloaden" downloaden.

2.Voer de Mumu Player Android-emulator uit en log in op de Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the Zen BrowserFree Recharge and download,

Of importeer het apk-bestand van uw pc in Mumu Player om het te installeren.

4.Install Zen BrowserFree Recharge App for PC.Now you can play Zen BrowserFree Recharge App on PC.Have fun!