Fake CallFake Caller ID


Download Fake CallFake Caller ID for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Wij bieden Fake CallFake Caller ID 2.64 APK bestand voor Android 4.0+ en omhoog.
Fake CallFake Caller ID is a free Productivity app.
Het is eenvoudig te downloaden en op uw mobiele telefoon te installeren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Fake CallFake Caller ID 2.64 APK zonder enige aanpassingen.

De gemiddelde beoordeling is 4.30 uit 5 sterren in de playstore.
If you want to know more about Fake CallFake Caller ID then you may visit ABISHKKING support center for more information

Alle apps & De spellen hier zijn alleen voor thuis- of persoonlijk gebruik. Als een APK-download inbreuk maakt op uw auteursrecht,
neem dan contact met ons op. Fake CallFake Caller ID is the property and trademark from the developer ABISHKKING.

Fake Caller ID Free in Android Market!

The most professional and beautiful fake caller id application in Android Market! Get out the trouble, give yourself a fake-call id!

Simulate a fake caller id to rescue yourself from an awkward situation, like boring meeting, annoying conversation, meaningless interview

The fake-call id won\’t charge you any fee, it is totally FREE.

The name changed to \Call Assistant\when you installed fake call in you phone;
Simulate Fake calling screen as real as your different phone: Samsung UI, Sony Erisson, HTC Sense,ICS, enz
Customize fake caller id, picture, number, in-call stem and ringtone for a new fake call ;
Schedule multi fake calls ;
Customize and manage the different in-call stem and ringtones for each fake call ;
Fake call quick set ;
Schedule a new fake call at a specific time;
Fake call logs
Fake now, past, even in the future;
Select fake caller id from your contacts;
Also showed in your fake call history;
Fake call ringtone ,vibration and fake call stem can be customized ;
Play Fake stem after fake call answered;
Share Fake caller id with your friends from Gmail, Messaging and Twitter;
– 6 different Android system fake calling page to choose for your quick fake call;

Description of permissions for Fake Call:

1. Your personal information
This permission can make a fake call from your contacts, and also insert to real call log;
2. Network communication
This permission is for bluetooth earphone and networks;
3. Storage
This permission can record and edit fake calling stems, which are stored in the SD card
4. Hardware controls
This permission is to set a fake call vibration;
5. Phone calls
This permission is for you can receive the real call during the fake calling;
6. System tools
This permission is to fulfill the fake call even after reboot the phone;

Please be noted: Alle permissions are ONLY for better service, we never collect user information.

Versie: 2.64

Bestandsgrootte: 10.18MB

Vereist: Android 4.0+

Pakketnaam: com.popularapp.fakecall

Ontwikkelaar: ABISHKKING

Bijgewerkt: December 21, 2017

Prijs: Vrij

Tarief 4.30 sterren – gebaseerd op 154623 beoordelingen

Just Download Latest Version Fake CallFake Caller ID Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10,Xp nu! To Download Fake CallFake Caller ID App For PC,gebruikers moeten een Android-emulator zoals Mumu-speler installeren. Met Mumu-speler,you can Download Fake CallFake Caller ID App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 en laptop.

How to Play Fake CallFake Caller ID App on PC,Ramen

1.Download en installeer Mumu Player Android-emulator. Klik "Mumu-speler downloaden" downloaden.

2.Voer de Mumu Player Android-emulator uit en log in op de Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the Fake CallFake Caller ID and download,

Of importeer het apk-bestand van uw pc in Mumu Player om het te installeren.

4.Install Fake CallFake Caller ID App for PC.Now you can play Fake CallFake Caller ID App on PC.Have fun!