MagicLight RGB LED Remote
Download MagicLight RGB LED Remote for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.
Forniamo MagicLight RGB LED Remote 4.0 APK file per Android 4.4+ e su.
MagicLight RGB LED Remote is a free Tools app.
È facile da scaricare e installare sul tuo cellulare.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for MagicLight RGB LED Remote 4.0 APK senza alcuna modifica.
La valutazione media è 2.90 fuori 5 stelle sul Play Store.
If you want to know more about MagicLight RGB LED Remote then you may visit ushcom support center for more information
Tutte le app & i giochi qui sono solo per uso domestico o personale. Se qualsiasi download di apk viola il tuo copyright,
per favore contattaci. MagicLight RGB LED Remote is the property and trademark from the developer ushcom.
Simple unoffical RGB LED Bulb IR remote control for phones and tablets with build-in IR blaster
(Samsung Galaxy S4/S5 Note3/4 and tablets) .The purpose is not to replace the original remote,but it is handy in emergency situations (original remote is lost,ecc).
This FREE version with LIMITED remote type(Only MagicLighting type full support other APA1616,24-44Keys,IRC160N1-1,Sylvania,MCL,ISUNROAD Remote OFF button or more disabled).
You can buy even ads free and full remote type supported pro version.
This app uses built-in infrared port(IR-blaster) and Android 4.4.2 => and up version (Yes 5.0 too)
if your phone/tablet doesn\’t have it IR or non compatible version then software not works.
Works with Samsung phones and tablets with built-in IR sender
On first button press full screen & small bottom ads on main screen.
No support on other brand phones and tablets like (LG,HTC,ecc).
This app is NOT affiliated with or endorsed by MagicLighting, APA1616,24-44Keys,IRC160N1-1,Sylvania,MCL,ISUNROAD Company or Owner.
This software is provided by author \”as is\” and any express or implied warranties,tra cui,but not limited to,
the implied warranties of marchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
In no event shall author be liable for any direct,indirect,incidental,special,exemplary or consequential damages
(tra cui,but not limited to,procurement of substitute goods or services;loss of use,dati,or profits,or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability,whether in contract,strict liability,or tort(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software,even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
Versione: 4.0
Dimensioni del file: 3.27MB
Richiede: Androide 4.4+
Nome del pacchetto: com.ushcomirs
Sviluppatore: ushcom
Aggiornato: Giugno 07, 2019
Prezzo: Gratuito
Valutare 2.90 stelle – basato su 587 recensioni
How to Play MagicLight RGB LED Remote App on PC,Finestre
1.Scarica e installa l'emulatore Android Mumu Player.Fai clic "Scarica Mumu Player" da scaricare.
2.Esegui Mumu Player Android Emulator e accedi a Google Play Store.
3.Open Google Play Store and search the MagicLight RGB LED Remote and download,
Oppure importa il file apk dal tuo PC in Mumu Player per installarlo.4.Install MagicLight RGB LED Remote App for PC.Now you can play MagicLight RGB LED Remote App on PC.Have fun!