MusixmatchLyrics for your music

Musica e audio

Download MusixmatchLyrics for your music for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Forniamo MusixmatchLyrics for your music 7.4.2 APK file per Android 4.1+ e su.
MusixmatchLyrics for your music is a free Music & Applicazione audio.
È facile da scaricare e installare sul tuo cellulare.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for MusixmatchLyrics for your music 7.4.2 APK senza alcuna modifica.

La valutazione media è 4.50 fuori 5 stelle sul Play Store.
If you want to know more about MusixmatchLyrics for your music then you may visit Musixmatch support center for more information

Tutte le app & i giochi qui sono solo per uso domestico o personale. Se qualsiasi download di apk viola il tuo copyright,
per favore contattaci. MusixmatchLyrics for your music is the property and trademark from the developer Musixmatch.

Musixmatch is the world’s largest lyrics catalog, that lets you enjoy diverse musica with synced lyrics.
It has been featured among the “Best Apps 2014” selection on Google Play Store.

It is a must have app for musica lovers:

• Listen to the songs in your musica library with synced lyrics.
Discover the FloatingLyrics™ feature to enjoy synced lyrics while playing your favorite songs with Spotify, Play Music and any other musica app.

• Search lyrics for any song you love:
Instantly get the lyrics you’re looking for and play the song from Youtube or Spotify
Can’t remember the song title? Simply type part of the lyrics to find the song.

• Identify lyrics per musica playing around you:
With a simple tap you can magically identify the song and the lyrics from the Radio, TV or any other audio source.

Your favorite and identified lyrics will be stored in your personal profile, and can also be found on under ‘identified songs’.

musixmatch is also the app providing lyrics to a z lyrics

Additional key features
★ Cast musica E lyrics to your TV with Chromecast
★ Advanced features like Sleep timer, Equalizer
★ Create and share awesome Lyrics quote with LyricsCard
★ Automatically fetch song info and coverart for your songs
★ Android Wear and Android TV support

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The more you tell us, the better Musixmatch will be.

Versione: 7.4.2

Dimensioni del file: 19.78MB

Richiede: Androide 4.1+

Nome del pacchetto:

Sviluppatore: Musixmatch

Aggiornato: Luglio 30, 2019

Prezzo: Gratuito

Valutare 4.50 stelle – basato su 1964829 recensioni

Just Download Latest Version MusixmatchLyrics for your music Apk For PC,Computer portatile,Windows 7,8,10,Xp ora! To Download MusixmatchLyrics for your music App For PC,gli utenti devono installare un emulatore Android come il lettore Mumu. Con il lettore Mumu,you can Download MusixmatchLyrics for your music App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 e computer portatile.

How to Play MusixmatchLyrics for your music App on PC,Finestre

1.Scarica e installa l'emulatore Android Mumu Player.Fai clic "Scarica Mumu Player" da scaricare.

2.Esegui Mumu Player Android Emulator e accedi a Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the MusixmatchLyrics for your music and download,

Oppure importa il file apk dal tuo PC in Mumu Player per installarlo.

4.Install MusixmatchLyrics for your music App for PC.Now you can play MusixmatchLyrics for your music App on PC.Have fun!