Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style


Download Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Wij bieden Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style 1.0.15249 APK bestand voor Android 4.0+ en omhoog.
Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style is a free Photography app.
Het is eenvoudig te downloaden en op uw mobiele telefoon te installeren.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style 1.0.15249 APK zonder enige aanpassingen.

De gemiddelde beoordeling is 3.74 uit 5 sterren in de playstore.
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Alle apps & De spellen hier zijn alleen voor thuis- of persoonlijk gebruik. Als een APK-download inbreuk maakt op uw auteursrecht,
neem dan contact met ons op. Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style is the property and trademark from the developer GuradoraLuong.

Camera iPhone 6s with iOS 9 is an camera app for you to taking picture. The design of the phone is a new movement and a big revolution in the world. The app is a simulated version of IPhone 6s camera.
With many features we have in that app, we will bring you best experience of a camera app on famous iPhone6s. The camera is designed with style of IOS9. You can take picture whenever and wherever you want.

With many style and highlight features, you can see how different to the default camera app. Not only the beautiful layout design like iOS 9 but also some function on it too. Swipe for many mode like video recording, photo and square photo. And a big function you will like is live filter just like ios 9 camera. So if you want to experience something new on your phone, then this app is some thing you should try. You won’t regret using camera iPhone 6s – iOS 9 style

Highlight features:

Cool Design of brand new iPhone6s
-Flat style is now trending of the world. You can see them in many design nowaday
Many same function as Ios 9 camera
Auto flash has on/off option for user
Live filter camera of IOS9 so you can choose the color you want for your photo
Stylist and beautiful filter with many color
Change time capture iPhone 6s
We give you many selection of time capture
Take picture less than 1s like Iphone6s
Small size but high quality
Not as heavy as even an image
Video camera for recording video as Ios9
Selfie front camera
See the library picture in the app as IOs 9
-See picture after taking right at the left bottom of the screen as you usually see in phone with iOS9 style

Hoe te gebruiken??:

1. Qpen the camera app
2. Choose to take photo or record video
3.See photo just been taken at the left bottom of the screen with IOS 9
4. Watch just taken photo now
5. Live filter like iOS9 style

Have fun using Camera iPhone 6s – iOS 9 style

Versie: 1.0.15249

Bestandsgrootte: 4.54MB

Vereist: Android 4.0+


Ontwikkelaar: GuradoraLuong

Bijgewerkt: November 10, 2015

Prijs: Vrij

Tarief 3.74 sterren – gebaseerd op 2508 beoordelingen

Just Download Latest Version Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10,Xp nu! To Download Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style App For PC,gebruikers moeten een Android-emulator zoals Mumu-speler installeren. Met Mumu-speler,you can Download Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style App for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 en laptop.

How to Play Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style App on PC,Ramen

1.Download en installeer Mumu Player Android-emulator. Klik "Mumu-speler downloaden" downloaden.

2.Voer de Mumu Player Android-emulator uit en log in op de Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style and download,

Of importeer het apk-bestand van uw pc in Mumu Player om het te installeren.

4.Install Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style App for PC.Now you can play Camera iPhone 6siOS 9 Style App on PC.Have fun!